work with me

“In this [story-telling] tradition a story is ‘holy,’ and it is used as medicine. The story is not told to lift you up, to make you feel better, or to entertain you, although all those things can be true. The story is meant to take the spirit into a descent to find something that is lost or missing and to bring it back to consciousness again”  ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes


There are many ways we can work together 1:1 engaging in the  the alchemy of being human together, in our bodies, beholding & being held through the lens of stories, word magic, somatic movement & shared lived experiences.  

I bring 30 years in deep relationship with traditional stories, and storytelling as a transformational and healing ally.

My work with stories and storytelling, weaves with my work as a healing artist; over a decade as a certified yoga instructor, ayurvedic yoga specialist and a somatics guide. Adding to this my work as a peers support specialist and TRE provider.

Also I have nearly 60 years being human, living a rich, profound life to offer support, dignity and empathy in your personal transformational journey -  body, heart, mind & spirit.

Here are just a few possibilities:

  • becoming and/or growing your skill as a creative, writer, & oral storyteller, .

  • exploring stories as alchemical medicine to help hold, heal and allow personal growth.  

  • re-storying big life events that hold unhelpful charges for you (examples might be birth, death, divorce, major loss, etc)

  •  un-conditioning your consciousness  working with orality, voice, grief/shadow, trauma, intuition and/or the imaginal.

  • integrating the wounds & gifts you carry in the bone deep realms of myth, folklore & fairy tale. 

  • TRE and somatic work that helps your nervous system regulate, helping your body heal.

​Book a free 30 minutes phone conversation to learn what this connection might look like for you.

silence +  intention + co-creation + intuition + stories = soul medicine

STORY spells

intuitive readings working with story & other divination allies

silence +  intention + co-creation + intuition + stories = soul medicine

Energy and magic are in creating community, with humans, the natural world and the elementals and with the spirits. Aware of the great suffering that is afflicting the planet, on-going wars, climate collapse, the possible rise of fascism and rampant chaos everywhere, we are grateful that we can be together peaceably, honor the old, old ways and listen deeply to what Story, dreams, spirits, heart say to guide us. "

* Deena Metzger *


wild entanglement Saturday July 19th 10-4



the exploration and deep dive of oral storytelling has been the work & joy of my life. For 30 years I have been engaging with this rich & transformational art form.

Here are just a few of the storytelling programs and workshops possible.


THESE BODIES - Virtual Drop in Classes*

 (mostly) Fridays - 10-11:15am CT

​Join our sweet live/online sangha & enjoy low impact poses, embodied practices, breath work and meditation intended to soften and open the heart and the body.  Classes are accessible and are trauma aware. All levels and abilities are welcome. Your first class is free.

All you need is some quiet space, internet access and a willingness to listen in.

Tiered pricing $10 | $15 | $20 

This is for yourself, your family, community and the wild world at large. 

​ Email me for the current monthly schedule. 


TRE®  is a universal somatic ( body-based ) healing modality & practice that can help release tension, stress & trauma from our bodies by activating a shaking/tremor response. This tremoring release process is inherent in all mammals, though has often been conditioned out of humans’ experience.

The exercises used in TRE are simple and easy to learn, and can be done by people of all ages and fitness levels. The technique involves a series of seven exercises, including gentle stretches, muscle activation and breathing techniques. TRE can be done in a group or individual setting. They are typically guided by a certified TRE practitioner for 5-7 sessions and then they can be done with a practitioner and on your own.

In addition to helping our bodies release stored and unhelpful tension in the body, TRE  also has a calming and positive impact on the nervous & polyvagal systems.

My TRE  journey began in 2020 after the death of my mom and I began working Christine Varnavas, a TRE  Provider & Trainer based in Eau Claire WI. In 2023, after a series of big stressor life events, I began working with Christine again. TRE helped me better navigate physical, emotional & psychological challenges and as a result I feel more relaxation and safety in my body, greater connection, aliveness & joy! For me TRE has become an essential and regular ally for my physical, emotional & psychological health.

My experiences with TRE led me to train with Christine and become a TRE provider in October of 2024. Yay!!  

I am so delighted and passionate about sharing this affirming practice with anyone who feels curious.

If you are curious, have questions or just want to know more, please book a free 30 minute consultation to learn more about about TRE and you.

join my TRE mailing list for news of upcoming virtual & in person classes

To belong is to rest into the collective, to be woven into the all. It’s the feeling that the group has found meaning and usefulness in your presence.”
* Prentis Hemphill * 

What It Takes to Heal: How Transforming Ourselves Can Change the World"

Guided meditation experiences tailored to the season, born in the breath, and the need in the body/heart:

Examples include:

Spring - Birth & Rebirth

Summer - Gathering & Harvest

Autumn - Memento Mori

Winter - Silence




BOREALIS MUNDI - resting in place, loss & grace

Borealis Mundi means northern worlds, and is where Tracy Chipman journeys through the landscapes of love, longing and loss to recover and re-discover her life. Tracy shares her personal tale courageously through memoir, essay and poetry - weaving together stories of chopping wood and carrying water near the shining waters of Lake Superior, walking the wind salted islands of Scotland, and resting in the weight of loss after loss in the boreal forests of northern Wisconsin.

This book is for anyone who has been claimed by a place – by a grove of birch, by an inland sea, by a red granite gravel road, and for those who wander the wild shoreline of loss and the holy terrain of love and rebirth. 

Books are now available directly through me in the US here, via online retailers worldwide;, Barnes & Noble (US), Abe Books & Blackwells (UK) and handful of independent bookshops.