Once upon a time, once a place, when we were all indigenous there were stories the land sang into the waking ears of our ancestors…
Welcome here, take a seat, settle in with a few stories to carry into the warp & weft of your day. The invitation is to listen with your whole body - your heart, your liver, your facia, all of it. When you notice your mind has taken you out and away from the story, gently bring it back. Stay in the story.
Afterwards offer something as thanks, as praise to the story. Perhaps a song, or a wee nip of whisky, perhaps a deep heart-felt bow.
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Every few months I’ll share a more here.
Thank you for your bright listening.
THE THIRD ROAD - a retelling of a tale from Ireland.
THE SELKIE - a traditional myth from Ireland and a summer solstice retelling.
THE FAERIE QUEEN’S KISS - a retelling of a traditional Scottish story from the Borderlands.
THE LIFE OF A STREAM- a retelling of a Sufi tale, originally shared by the late storyteller Juliet Bruce.
imagination & meditation experiences…
coming soon.