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The Space Between

Writer's picture: Tracy ChipmanTracy Chipman


So begins the time of the Winter Witch - the Cailleach. Here in the north she has come!

December is a dance between worlds; between dark and light, matter and spirit, between the ooze of autumn's decay and the sacramental silence of the frozen, winter world. Between taking-care-of-business time and the Dreamtime. Each year the transition brought on by the river of lengthening nights creates some inner & outer turbulence for me - between my desire to nest, rest, to simply stop, and my schedule, still over populated with working, and to-doing and practical needs like bills which need paying. My thoughts lean into my own conscious and unconscious conditioning of toxic capitalism. What is enough? Having enough? Doing enough? Giving enough? Could we just take the month of December off...or keep doing at a minimum? Stop bounding about & seeking like November squirrels and like them, once the ground freezes disappear into our branched bowers to burrow. What would the world be like? Has the global pandemic offered us access to less striving? Have I answered that call? What if we all read more, cooked real food more, set the devices down more, watched the miracle of falling snow more? What if we reflected on the year behind us? What if we slept more and softened into the stars more? Can we take a few minutes each day to look/listen/feel inside to what is really meaningful to us? Could we turn our ears to story more, sparking our grossly colonized imaginations aflame with The Not Yet Imagined? Enjoy the inquiry and the winter months to come! Also please scroll down to check out the sweet offerings below to help settle, open & soften into the Cailleach's gifts and I'd love to hear from you about a possible retreat offering in Boone, NC in 2022!

May our imaginations reach deep and flower in ways unimaginable...

Love & Gratitude Tracy ** GIFTS OF WINTER

A few months ago the word - WITCH landed in my awareness. I reflected on her paradoxical, tragic, exulted story/associations, my own relationship with WITCH, and my identification with this complex archetype. Over the years WITCH has offered me rich, empowering experiences helping me move through many dark nights of the soul. WITCH has guided me also into the new seasons of my life aligning with both inner and ancient wisdom, bringing healing & alchemy! These musings led to another idea...a course exploring the past, present and future of WITCH. Honoring both her story and ours, getting intentional about holding space & offering experiences for others to transform and heal. Here's what came of those musings:

winter WITCH myth | moon | medicine January 2-30 2022 Winter WITCH begins on the first new moon of the year and completes on the 2nd new moon. When there are two new moons in a month, the 2nd is referred to as a Black Moon and this is a slightly rare occurrence, happening every 33ish months or so. Definitely an auspicious way into 2022. Join me! There's space for 13 women identifying peoples. Register by 12/29/21. ** Yoga Nidra: Deep Rest in Deep Winter January 13-14, 2022 at the Christine Center, Willard, WI

Join me in the sanctuary of winter for this delicious gift for your sweet self. For 24 hours we will dive into the depth of stillness winter has to offer from the beautiful meditation hall of the Christine Center. Yoga Nidra, also known as “yogic sleep” is an ancient practice that offers very deep rest. It is a systematic method, creating an experience of restful alertness allowing the physiology, the neurology and subconscious mind to sink into a deep wellspring of relaxation and rest.

All Here Dwell Free: A Women’s Winter Retreat January 14-16, 2022 at the Christine Center, Willard, WI

REST, release & dream! As we enter into the dreaming heart of winter, bring those parts of yourself that need silence and rest and a story to take us deeper into the season.
All Here Dwell Free is a women’s retreat exploring transformation through silence, movement and the liminal space of mythic energies. Experience deep meditation, embodied movement and conscious communion with the wild glory of the Christine Center.

* * * A few of my favorite humans inspiring and nourishing my winter world: Evolutionary Astrologer, Marina Ormes: Sign up for Marina's limited-time FREE video series: Four Keys to Creating Your Soul-Based Action Plan that walks you through creating your own personalized action plan: Get out of frustration over the world’s problems, and into action with this simple plan that supports your well-being, gets the results you want, and is based in your soul’s truth! Creatrix of Conscious Wholeness, Brianna McInerny: Create more time & space for self-reflection and unshakeable self-love with Conscious Wholeness. Inside of this self-study online course, Brianna lays out simple processes for aligning your own mind, body, and energy with what you really want. You have everything you'll ever need inside of yourself, and the Conscious Wholeness content, meditations, and workbooks will help you access that knowing over and over again. Pay-what-you-want for instant lifetime access. ONE WORD. SAWALMEM - a beautiful 30 minute short film by directors Michael "Pom" Preston and Natasha Deganello Giraudie exploring the untapped riches of Indigenous Wisdom! FREE access for one week. Master Storyteller, Jay Leeming: Over the autumn I had the blessed good fortune to drop into Jay Leeming's truly magnificent re-telling the Odyssey. WOW! Jay has a regular podcast (and more) exploring the breadth and depth of deep storytelling. AND... The Art of Living Retreat Center in Boone, NC has invited me offer a retreat in the late summer or early autumn of 2022. The retreat would be a sweet braiding of deep story work, embodiment, yogic & somatic practices and alignment with the natural intelligence of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Here's a virtual tour to give you a taste. The big question is this - would you seriously consider attending? If so - please email me to share your intention. Let's have a house concert, live or virtual: Host a virtual live Storytelling House with a specific intention or theme, or just trust the 'right' stories for the moment will show up to brighten and deepen the long dark nights ahead. Gather with your beloveds in the deep time of stories well told! Email me!

Become a patron of storytelling! If you see the value of story and the work I'm doing in the world please consider becoming a patron or make a donation/gift to help support sharing this transformational art with the world!

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